
Want More Authority, Visibility & Income In 2025?

The way online entrepreneurs attract and convert clients is changing (in a good way!)…


๐Ÿ“บ YouTube was just named the #1 platform for podcast consumption

(Sorry Apple & Spotify ๐Ÿ˜ข)

๐Ÿ”Ž 31% of podcast listeners find their new shows on YouTube

(Way more than Apple & Spotify)

๐ŸŽฅ Among people who have started listening to podcasts for the first time in the last year, 40% of them prefer to consume with video ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


๐Ÿคณ A podcast designed for YouTube allows you to consistently get discovered by new people…

…but also reach busy people who only have time for audio content

๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Those same busy people often have more money AND are more willing to spend money on improving their life

๐Ÿ“ˆ While podcasts used to require special skills and a lot of time, new technology (hello AI!) has made it easier for anyone to create a show that grows itself

Learn how our module-based approach to podcasting (we call it Modcasting) makes succeeding easier & faster for busy entrepreneurs.

In less than an hour you’ll learn…

โ˜‘๏ธ The simple module-based strategy we used as radio broadcasters to create high quality content in less time (because if we hadn’t those companies would go bankrupt)

โ˜‘๏ธ Why only online entrepreneurs can have highly profitable podcasts with tiny audiences

โ˜‘๏ธ The surprising reason why video podcasts can take less time to create than audio-only podcasts

โ˜‘๏ธ How one of my module-based podcast episodes (AKA a modcast) made $1,000 from someone who didn’t even listen to it

โ˜‘๏ธ How you can host a podcast in less than an hour a week that becomes all the content your business needs


3 Secrets To A Successful Podcast On YouTube

The #1 regret of people with a successful podcasts and/or YouTube channels is that they didn’t start sooner.

Register and show up to avoid having that regret for yet another year.

Neil Mathweg & Jerry Potter

My name is Jerry Potter, and I spent 20 years as a professional radio personality, and the companies I worked for spent MILLIONS of dollars figuring out how to capture and hold attention.

Because if they didnโ€™t have huge audiences? Theyโ€™d have to file for bankruptcy.

And now I’ve combined that with my YouTube experience (150,000+ subcribers) toc reate a new approach to podcasting for entrepreneurs to create a unicorn…

A โ€œSelf-Growing Podcast,โ€ that only takes the host about an hour a week.

And you can have the same (if you do things the way we show you in this class).

In case you were wondering…

Where is the masterclass happening?

The training will be held online through your web browser. You'll be sent a personalized link after registering.

Who is this best for?

Anyone that is considering creating a podcast and/or YouTube channel for their business (or that already has one) will benefit from this training.

I don't have a podcast or YouTube channel yet, will this be okay for me?

Absolutely, if you are just considering a podcast this will give you clarity on whether or not it is right for you.

I already have a podcast and/or YouTube channel, will this be helpful for me?

Definitely, especially if they aren't having the impact on your business that you would like them to.

Will there be a replay?

We never promise replays because sometimes the recording doesn't come out correctly, so please choose a time that you can be there live.

Can I invite a friend?

Of course! Just send them this link to register: https://donebylunch.co/3-secrets-to-a-successful-podcast-on-youtube/